Monday, May 14, 2007


Why is it that I cant stop thinking about Ava and her family? Why is it that everytime I see any little girl, I only think of Ava? I have never met her or her family. The only thing I know about her and her family are from her mum's blog and pictures. Why do I feel so sad and upset and cry when I read her mum's blog or see her pictures? Sometimes I feel like I have no right to feel so sad because I really didnt know her, yet I still do.

I love kids everyone knows that. Ofcourse hearing about any child dying is the worst thing in the world and it really makes me upset and I still havent gotten used to the fact that death doesnt look at age. It really is the most upsetting thing in the world. Doesnt matter if you knew the person or not, you do feel a sense of sadness in you but overtime you go on living your life like before. But Ava, its been three months, and I still think of her everyday. I still cant get over the fact that she's gone. I still think of how her family are doing? I am not the only one. If you go to her blog you will see all these people who never knew Ava or her family but they are so touched by her. Even though I am not a religious person at all and try to run away from anything religious, I do believe that Ava is a God sent Angel to touch so many people and make us realize how precious life really is. Is, because she still is and always will be.

Darling Super Princess, we will never stop thinking about you........


Vanessa x said...

You are soooo not alone Fari. I just followed you post on Sheye's blog and found you!!

I don't know the answer either. Today, driving to the city, I was thinking of Ava. Yesterday, as I said goodbye to my baby as she went to see her dad, I was thinking of Ava. Every time we go shopping and I see a little girl, I think of Ava. It just never stops (and I am not saying I want it to, or that it's a bad thing but it just never stops.....)

I 'think' it's because Ava and her family are just SO SO beautiful ~ in appearance as well, but that's not what I mean here. There is something special about them, including Ava and I think Sheye expresses that in every single post she makes. We all see how loved and happy Ava was and it just makes NO sense, none at all. We all want to do something to 'help' but know we can't.

I have 'known' Sheye for a few years via the internet and only met her and her gorgeous kids late last year. Many around me have struggled to understand why Ava's accident has affected me in the way it has and to be totally honest, I, like you, can't answer that either. There was just something very very special about that little girl and one again, like you, I am not religious, but the impact that Ava has on this world is far from over. She may have only lived with her beautiful family for 3 years but her spirit will live on for many many many more.

I live life differently now. I spend the time I have with Kara differently. I appreciate things that I would never have thought twice about four months ago. All of this is because of one little girl and I know many others would say the same.

Take care, V xxx

Cristina said...

Hi! I also followed a link to your blog through Sheye's blog and after I read this post, I just wanted to share with you that I completely relate to how you feel...

I've never met Ava or her family either but I often think about them too. I read Sheye's blog and see her beautiful pictures and my heart simply aches at the thought of her and her family's pain. And I, too, sometimes feel like I have no right to feel the way I do but I can't help it...I just feel so sad and helpless and like vanessa and kara said, it makes no sense and I wish there was something that I could say or do to help but I know I can't...

Ava truly touched my heart...she is such a loved and happy child and you can see that in every, single picture! She has helped me to realize and appreciate the love and happiness that surrounds me every, single day and I can't thank her enough for that...