OOMMMMGGG!! I got like a billion books, been reading all these guides, and what not, and I still for the life of me cant figure out the stupid manual mode. How do people do it? No seriously? How do they get such PERFECT pictures? Are they super smart or am I just super dumb? I think its the second one! Soooo frustrated. I am going to pop a brain vein soon and if anything happens to me, its the bloody camera's fault. I do love taking pictures with it, I do. (well after spending so much money, I better love it or my mom will cut me into a billion pieces). But why oh why cant I get perfect pictures? Oh why oh why oh why? Maybe I am not as creative as I thought. Yup thats it. I have no talent whatsoever and I should dig myself a huge hole and go live there. I am sure it would make many people happy getting away from my rants......
Here are some pictures I took on the manual mode and you photographers out there, I know the bloody exposure is all messed up and shutter speed is wrong and Idontknow what should be higher or lower, but blah. I give up for now.

And a picture of a BANANA LMAO. Well I can explain. Aryan a.k.a Satan Jr. got tired of posing for me and wanted to play tag so I started to bother the bananas.....

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